Contemporary Painter in Watercolor, Collage & Mixed Media


 A collage created for the international monthly "collage a day" challenge by the Februllage - Edinburgh College Collective and the the Scandinavian Collage Museum.  Please see many new collages created each day of this month - in my Collage & Mixed Media Gallery. 

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
mix media, watercolor & collage & acrylic
details in the Bird Gallery;  Price $595.00

Toadstools and Butterflies

5 comments | Post comment

I love your dreamy watercolor landscapes - I just want to step into them.
-- Susan, 3/14/23

Your birds are the BEST!
-- Keen, 2/8/23

This is fantastic Nancy, your paintings are so lovely and imaginative
-- Jan, 2/2/23

This is so terrific! I’m glad you’re getting your paintings out there for a larger audience and more enjoyment. You are a beautiful artist.
-- Caroline, 1/31/23

Yay, so proud of you for building this!
-- Rich, 1/29/23